Ethical Channel

FAS SPAIN S.L. has implemented a Code of Ethics in which it establishes the ethical and performance principles to which it is committed in its business activity and defines the framework of behaviour to be followed by the Members of the Organisation in the development of their professional performance.

In order to provide an adequate response to any doubt, discrepancy or irregularity in compliance with the Code, as well as to collaborate in the monitoring of compliance with all the rules applicable to the entity and to its Members, this Ethical or Whistleblowing Channel is activated as a channel of communication and knowledge, through the procedure regulated in this document. You can consult the Ethical Channel procedure here.

The Ethics Channel is, therefore, a confidential and transparent means of communication so that both the Members of our organisation, as well as other interested parties, have a suitable channel for reporting those behaviours that may have occurred in the course of their work
that may entail any irregularity or any act contrary to the law or to the rules of conduct of the Code of Ethics and other applicable internal rules, whether committed by other Members of the Organisation or by representatives or employees of companies that collaborate with our organisation in its different activities.

Its purpose is to establish the necessary mechanisms to communicate and manage at an early stage any question related to the scope, compliance or interpretation of the regulations applicable to the Organisation, as well as, especially, those behaviours that could result in a crime that could entail criminal liability for the legal person.